Green infrastructure installation to date has focused on public, private, and commercial spaces. The Ecosystem Engineering...

Mr Raindrop, "Help be a solution to water pollution." Delaware (DNREC) 30 seconds

Watch this engaging humourous 30 second video for an example of a public service message addressing illicit discharge sources. See a raindrop’s neighborhood journey that identifies causes of nutrient and sediment pollution, and connects these activities with risks to streams, rivers and lakes. Tagline, "Help be a solution to water pollution."

"RiverSmart Homes-getting smart about runoff in Washington, D.C." US EPA 12 mins

Are you looking for a success story within the Chesapeake Bay to illustrate a compliance pathway for minimum control measures one and two? 

Watch this 12 minute video produced by US EPA on the District of Columbia's Department of Energy and Evironment's award winning program. Hear testimonials from homeowner participants and get "how to" advise from municipal staff on building an incentive program. Perfect for community engagement, education, and outreach while achieving measureable reductions through retrofits.

National Stormwater Quality Database (NSQD)

The National Stormwater Quality Database (NSQD) is an urban stormwater runoff characterization database developed under the direction of Dr. Robert Pitt, P.E., of the University of Alabama and the Center for Watershed Protection under support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Originally released in 2001, followed by several updates by Dr. Pitt and Dr. Alexander Maestre (also at University of Alabama), it has recently moved to a new long-term home as a companion project to the International Stormwater BMP Database.

Rooftops to Rivers II

The 2013 update to NRDC's seminal publication Rooftops to Rivers. This work expands earlier stories from nine communities to fourteen. The briefing highlights enormous strides forward by localities using green strategies to controll stormwater. It identifies six key actions common to successful leading cities. It calls out many remaining gaps in policy and funding at local, state, and federal levels.

Regional and Collaborative Approaches to Water, Sewer, and Stormwater Management in Pennsylvania

Lessons from Pennsylvania Communities Presented by the Environmental Law Institute and 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania.

This report presents an argument for a collaborative inter jurisdicational approach to stormwater investment to ensure efficiency, equitablity, and financial and environmental sustainablility. With 2500 municipalities, 67 counties, and thousands of authorities, the authors identify the immense challenge facing the state to protect its 83,000 miles of streams and reivers.

Citizen Advocate Handbook: A Guide to Successful Tree Advocacy in the Nation’s Capital

Created by Casey Trees, this 2014 Merit Award winner of the American Planning Association, provides a rich story of the Nation's Capital and its long relationship with its tree canopy, The handbook's details ways the City has linked its regulatory stormwater program to tree canopy health. Included in this case study are template questions and generalized advice useful to building any successful advocacy campaign. 

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