Economic Ecology – Maximizing Economic and Environmental Returns through Floodplain Restoration
Economic Ecology – Maximizing Economic and Environmental Returns through Floodplain Restoration

Economic Ecology – Maximizing Economic and Environmental Returns through Floodplain Restoration
Join the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay for breakfast to learn about the new funding and conservation programs that improve...
In this webcast, David Wood, from the Chesapeake Stormwater Network, will give a refresher on the Shoreline Managment report...
Join Anna Kasko, from Maryland's Department of the Environment, to disucss the challenge of trash in urban watersheds. This...
This presentation focuses on MD's progress with Green Streets. The County staff discusses lessons learned from completing...
Join Dr. Ming Li, professor at UMCES, to discuss his research into the regional impact of climate change and extreme weather...
This annual conference focuses on water monitoring and watershed management in the region. A draft agenda can be found here...
This introductory course discusses how to build an effective stormwater management program in your community along with innovative ideas to identify untapped opportunities. The framework presented can be readily shaped to fit local conditions. Use it to develop cost effective programs that are supportive of, and adaptive to, evolving community resources and needs.
Though effectively managing urban stormwater runoff requires leadership and bold decision-making at all levels of government, it is at the local level where the most significant and substantive stormwater investments are made. It is also at the local level where the most innovative, effective, and transformative financing programs are developed and implemented.
EPA’s Water Infrastructure and Resiliency Finance Center is hosting a stormwater finance webinar series in collaboration with...