Green Infrastructure and the Sustainable Communities Initiative

The use of green infrastructure is an important strategy for HUD's Office of Economic Resilience (OER) and its Sustainable Communities Initiative (SCI) grantees, especially as communities plan for the concurrent and future impacts of climate change and natural disasters.The incorporation of green infrastructure can be a cost-effective solution to help communities save taxpayer money on public infrastructure capital investment and maintenance costs, improve stormwater management and water quality, reduce combined sewer overflows (CSOs), and limit the impacts of flooding on h

Understanding people—where they live, what they do, what they value—is an important part of successful coastal management...

Water Quality Scorecard: Incorporating Green Infrastructure Practices at the Municipal, Neighborhood, and Site Scales

EPA’s Water Quality Scorecard was developed to help local governments identify opportunities to remove barriers, and revise and create codes, ordinances, and incentives for better water quality protection. It guides municipal staff through a review of relevant local codes and ordinances, across multiple municipal departments and at the three scales within the jurisdiction of a local government (municipality, neighborhood, and site), to ensure that these codes work together to protect water quality goals.

Better Site Design Handbook from the Center for Watershed Protection - Part 2

Washington DC (August 1998) - The Center for Watershed Protection’s Better Site Design Handbook offers comprehensive guidance on better site design. The handbook outlines 22 guidelines for more environmentally friendly, economically viable, and locally appropriate development. The primary audience for this manual is the local planner, engineer, developer, and official involved in the designing and building of new communities.

Better Site Design Handbook from the Center for Watershed Protection - Part 1

Washington DC (August 1998) - The Center for Watershed Protection’s Better Site Design Handbook offers comprehensive guidance on better site design. The handbook outlines 22 guidelines for more environmentally friendly, economically viable, and locally appropriate development. The primary audience for this manual is the local planner, engineer, developer, and official involved in the designing and building of new communities.

Updating Local Codes to Cultivate Green Infrastructure and Foster Sustainable Stormwater Management

This 2011 webinar presented by EPA focuses on updating local codes to cultivate green infrastructure and support sustainable stormwater management. Regulatory drivers and watershed approaches are reviewed, case studies are presented, and the top 10 ten things to search and replace in your plans and codes are identified.

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