USDA Web Soil Survey

The USDA Web Soil Survey provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. It contains soil maps and data for over 95 percent of the nation's counties, providing an authoritative source of soil survey information.

Rain to Recreation: Making the Case for a Stormwater Capital Recovery Fee

The City of Lenexa, Kansas, supports their Rain to Recreation program with a number of revenue streams. The systems development fee has been in place for more than a decade. This is a one-time fee paid by a developer at the time of permitting. The funds are used to recover the costs of expanding infrastructure systems to account for the impact of growth created by new and redevelopment. This case study describes the process of developing the fee and outlines the cost reductions it was able to produce.

Lancaster County Municipal Stormwater Management Financing Feasibility Study

The Environmental Finance Center worked with several municipalities in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, to recommend a sustainable financing approach to help meet their stormwater management goals. In one municipality, Warwick Township, it was found that the cost to replace their gray infrastructure storm sewer pipe system would be over $1.9 million in 30 years. However, the cost to maintain and renovate all municipally owned BMPs over 20 years through an established asset management program would be just over $260,000. That’s a savings of almost $1.6 million.

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