Urban Nutrient Management

Urban nutrient management can make lawn's more Bay-friendly and reduce the risk that fertilizers or plant biomass will enter the Bay. When combined with lower phosphorus content in lawn fertilizer due to recent state laws, these practices can greatly reduce the risk that nitrogen and phosphorus will enter stormwater or move through groundwater.  In addition to the automatic credit communities receive from fertilizer legislation, communities can also earn credit for individual properties with a written plan that uses these 10 core urban nutrient management practices

Urban Nutrient Management

Urban nutrient management can make lawn's more Bay-friendly and reduce the risk that fertilizers or plant biomass will enter the Bay. When combined with lower phosphorus content in lawn fertilizer due to recent state laws, these practices can greatly reduce the risk that nitrogen and phosphorus will enter stormwater or move through groundwater.  In addition to the automatic credit communities receive from fertilizer legislation, communities can also earn credit for individual properties with a written plan that uses these 10 core urban nutrient management practices

Enhanced Erosion and Sediment Control

Erosion and sediment control includes a combination of practices that reduce sediment loss from active construction sites.  The Chesapeake Stormwater Network provides a variety of resources on Enhanced Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) practices, which are required to be employed at construction sites in all Bay states.  In July 2012, an expert panel was convened to review the available science on nutrient and sediment removal performance associated with ESC practices.

Enhanced Erosion and Sediment Control

Erosion and sediment control includes a combination of practices that reduce sediment loss from active construction sites.  The Chesapeake Stormwater Network provides a variety of resources on Enhanced Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) practices, which are required to be employed at construction sites in all Bay states.  In July 2012, an expert panel was convened to review the available science on nutrient and sediment removal performance associated with ESC practices.

New and Redevelopment Practices

New and redevelopment practices capture and treat stormwater runoff through various physical and biological processes. Examples include wet ponds, bioretention, green roofs, and green streets.  Practices are installed on new development sites to hold pollution levels at pre-development conditions. Alternatively, they can be used at redevelopment sites to reduce pollutant loads below pre-development levels.  The Chesapeake Stormwater Network provides a variety of resources on practices for new and redevelopment projects.

New and Redevelopment Practices

New and redevelopment practices capture and treat stormwater runoff through various physical and biological processes. Examples include wet ponds, bioretention, green roofs, and green streets.  Practices are installed on new development sites to hold pollution levels at pre-development conditions. Alternatively, they can be used at redevelopment sites to reduce pollutant loads below pre-development levels.  The Chesapeake Stormwater Network provides a variety of resources on practices for new and redevelopment projects.

Urban Stormwater Retrofits

Stormwater retrofits are a diverse group of practices that provide pollution reduction from existing development that is either currently untreated or is inadequately treated by an existing stormwater practice.  Retrofits work by temporarily capturing polluted runoff, reducing flow and improving water quality treatment through physical and biological processes.  Examples of retrofits include wet ponds, swales, permeable pavement, and bioretention.

Urban Stormwater Retrofits

Stormwater retrofits are a diverse group of practices that provide pollution reduction from existing development that is either currently untreated or is inadequately treated by an existing stormwater practice.  Retrofits work by temporarily capturing polluted runoff, reducing flow and improving water quality treatment through physical and biological processes.  Examples of retrofits include wet ponds, swales, permeable pavement, and bioretention.

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