In the world of stormwater management many are familiar with the term "Best Management Practices" or "BMPs" as it is applied to structural or engineered practices used to capture, retain, use, reduce, treat, and delay the movement of rainfall through the watershed. However, the term BMP is also applied to the programmatic approaches jurisdications can take to meet the terms of their MS4 permits. 


First released in October 2000, EPA's NPDES website provides a menu of these type of programatic BMPs Phase II MS4's can use to meet the six minimum control measures.


EPA compiled the listed menu of BMPs to be representative of the types of approaches they have seen used to successfully achieve the minimum control measures required under NPDES permits. The list of BMPs is not all-inclusive, and it does not preclude MS4s from using other technically sound practices. 


EPA advises stormwater management practices that are already being used should be recognized and appropriate credit given to those who have already made progress toward protecting water quality. There is no need to spend additional resources for a practice that is already in existence and operational.