With support from the Maryland Department of Environment, engineering students from the A. J. Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland College Park conducted field investigations to confirm the location and sizes of existing stormwater system structures and pipes. The students collected the data for a Master Stormwater Plan, ultimately to be used in the administration of the Town’s Stormwater Management Ordinance and in the future development of a stormwater capital maintenance budget and plan.

Robert Rauch of the engineering firm Rauch and Associates supervised the students and was the engineer of record for the Stormwater Master Plan and the mapping of the stormwater drainage areas.

The Environmental Finance Center (EFC) at the University of Maryland used a foundation of engineering, along with geographic information analysis and financial analysis, to gather, organize, and synthesize data about stormwater in the Town of Federalsburg, as well as provide the Town with recommendations and a basis with which to make informed decisions about future project planning and resource allocation.

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