Westminster Community Pond

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What is polluted runoff?

Parts of the Chesapeake Bay watershed contain a high percentage of impervious cover – paved or other hard surfaces such as roofs and roadways that prevent rain water from being absorbed into the ground.  Instead, water runs along these surfaces, collecting trash and substances such as motor oil, lawn fertilizers, and pesticides.  This polluted stormwater flows into streams and rivers, where it threatens aquatic ecosystems and public health.
Effective stormwater management, on the other hand, creates safe paths for polluted runoff to be captured and filtered through the ground before it reaches waterways.  This helps keep the environment clean and our communities healthy!

bioretention / rain gardens
before image
Maintaining water levels was a constant concern at the community pond. Credit: Carroll County.
after image
The new community pond serves as a stormwater management facility and a fun hot spot for the community. Credit: Carroll County.


Project Location: Westminster, MD

Problem: This recreational pond could not maintain an acceptable water level during dry periods with the water level dropping very low. This prevented nearby residents from taking part in recreational activities and wildlife appreciation. While renovating the facility, the county took the opportunity to treat millions of gallons of runoff from surrounding suburbs.

Solution: Runoff from the surrounding drainage area is brought into the pond through storm drain structures and new manholes. Division structures within the manhole maintain a more steady flow into the nearby stream channel while diverting large storm flows and floodwaters into the pond during rain events. A new embankment and riser structure were constructed as well. The facility now meets and/or exceeds all current county and state stormwater management regulations. In addition to capturing and holding the 250-acre drainage area, the facility provides enhanced recreational benefits including fishing and a walking trail for the citizens of Carroll County to enjoy.

Funding Sources: $933,124.99 from Maryland State Highway – Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) and $1,602,000 from joint county/municipal funds. Surrounding municipalities also contributed funding to the project in return for stormwater management.

Drainage Area: 250.22 acres

Urban Area Drainage: 87.85 acres

Contact Information
Gale Engles | gengles@carrollcountymd.gov | 410-386-2659
Key project facts
Project Type
Project Scale
> $1,000,000
Story Focus
Environmental Benefits
Stormwater Funds
Problem Addressed
Failing Infrastructure
Year Installed
State Legislative District
Federal Legislative District
MD 8th