Webcast: Bringing Better Site Design into The 21st Century


Center for Watershed Protection's Webinar Series
October 18, 2017, 1-2:30 PM EST

Published in 1998 as a consensus-based process for changing development regulations, the Center’s Better Site Design Handbook outlines 22 model development principles for site design that act to reduce impervious cover, conserve open space, manage stormwater at new residential and commercial development sites; and reduce the overall cost of development. Much has happened in the world of stormwater and site planning in the 18 years since the release of the handbook, including technical and regulatory advances that have changed how stormwater is managed and sites are developed. To respond this need, the Center recently revised the handbook and related support products to reflect the latest in stormwater management technology and regulations such as MS4 permits, provide different versions of the COW for different site situations, update the supporting research, case studies, model code/ordinance library and more!

To register, please visit: http://www.cwp.org/events/webcast-5-better-site-design/
