Webcast: Modeling for Water Quality


Center for Watershed Protection's Webinar Series
November 15, 2017, 1-2:30 PM EST

Modeling is frequently used in watershed and stormwater planning to help build understanding of a problem or calculate possible changes over time when monitoring is not an option. Modeling can also be used to compare courses of action to determine effective strategies for addressing a problem and the potential cost for each strategy. Non-point source modeling tools are an important tool in estimating compliance with TMDL allocations and developing an overall watershed plan to meet water quality. In this webcast we will look at several tools for estimating pollutant loads, discuss the possible applications, and look at case studies to illustrate how a model was employed to achieve the desired goals.

To register, please visit: http://www.cwp.org/events/webcast-6-modeling-for-water-quality/
