Webcast: Stream Restoration: Where Are We Now?


Center for Watershed Protection's Webinar Series
September 13, 2017, 1-2:30 PM EST

Stream restoration has been used for many years for various objectives, including pollutant reduction requirements for TMDL compliance. But the use of stream restoration practices to effectively achieve required nutrient and sediment reductions has been a topic of debate in the scientific community. Recent efforts by an advisory panel to the Chesapeake Bay Program reviewed the latest available science to quantify the various benefits of stream restoration and develop a methodology to document that stream restoration projects are helping them to meet their TMDL targets. In this webcast we will examine the expert panel recommendations and discuss the role of stream restoration in meeting water quality goals and also discuss the results of WERF’s National Stream Restoration as a BMP Guidance.

To register, please visit: http://www.cwp.org/events/webcast-4-stream-restoration/
