St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Restoration of Nature
Project Location: Annapolis, MD

Project Location: Annapolis, MD
Project Location: Lancaster, PA
Problem: Lime Spring Square is a commercial development in Lancaster, Pennsylvania with retail, office, medical, industrial, and residential space. The proposed development area straddled an extended reach of Brubaker Run with severely eroded stream banks, poor water quality, and consistent flooding issues.
Project Location: Chevy Chase, MD
Problem: Stormwater runoff from Woodend, a 40-acre nature sanctuary in Chevy Chase, MD that serves as headquarters of the Audubon Naturalist Society, was impacting neighboring property and adding to pollution in nearby Rock Creek. Design challenges included the site’s historic registration, steep slope and existing mature trees.
Project Location: Town of New Windsor, MD
Problem: The detention basin at the Blue Ridge Manor facility in the Town of New Windsor was constructed in the early 1990s during the time when stormwater management focused more on flood control than water quality. Erosion at the outfall, overgrown vegetation, trash, and steep slopes surrounding the basin led to this facility being retrofitted in the fall of 2017.
Project Location: Frederick, MD
Problem: Faculty and staff of the Hood College Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies wanted to address several local issues to help the surrounding community. Local water quality was being impacted by high levels of stormwater runoff, and some residents were facing food insecurity. With little to no grocery stores, parts of Frederick are classified as food deserts.
Project location: Westminster, MD
Problem: Double Pipe Creek watershed is identified by the Maryland Department of the Environment as a Category 5 impaired waterway for sediment, fecal bacteria, and nutrients. Carroll County Farm Museum’s 20-acre site adjoins the creek and serves as a pass-through point for much of the watershed, which houses more than 200 acres of agricultural land.