A Guide for Forestry Practices in the Chesapeake TMDL
This guide covers the value and benefits of the following forest BMPs to aid in the planning and implementation: Agricultural Riparian Forest Buffers, Agricultural Tree Planting, Urban Forest…
Author: Forestry Workgroup, Chesapeake Bay Program Office
Date published: 2018
Accounting for Trees in Stormwater Models
This report intends to help the stormwater engineering community more easily account for trees in runoff and pollutant load calculations and models so that trees will more readily be incorporated…
Author: The Center for Watershed Protection
Date published: 2018
Financing Urban Tree Canopy Programs Guidebook for Local Governments in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
This document provides practical strategies for funding and financing municipal urban tree canopy for anyone involved in promoting the development and maintenance of community forests. This…
Author: The Environmental Finance Center at the University of Maryland and the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay
Date published: 2019
Making Your Community Forest-Friendly
This worksheet was designed to help communities review and revise their development regulations, so that future projects conserve and protect valuable trees and woodlands and encourage new…
Author: The Center for Watershed Protection
Date published: 2018
The Sustainable Urban Forest A Step-by-Step Approach
This guide is designed to help municipalities assess the state of their urban forest, identify management concerns, and move toward long-term sustainability. It presents a adaptable approach for…
Author: Michael Leff Davey Institute / USDA Forest Service USFS Philadelphia Field Station
Date published: 2016
Tree Ordinance Development Guidebook
This guide is designed to aid communities in the revision of existing or development of new tree ordinances. It covers steps for forming a tree ordinance working group, getting support, evaluating…
Author: Georgia Forestry Commission Urban & Community Forestry Program
Date published: 2005
URBAN TREE CANOPY ASSESSMENT: A Community’s Path to Understanding and Managing the Urban Forest
The report is designed to help a community move forward with Urban Tree Canopy (UTC) project planning and assessment by providing an overview of the approaches, methods, and data sources used in…
Author: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
Date published: 2019
Urban Tree Canopy Expansion
The Department of Defense as part of the DoD Chesapeake Bay Program has developed a fact sheet to help Bay jurisdictions understand recommended BMPs for urban tree canopy expansion. The fact sheet…
Author: The Department of Defense as part of the DoD Chesapeake Bay Program
Date published: No date