Basic Principles of Watershed Restoration and Stormwater Management in the Chesapeake Bay Region
This document provides an overview of the most relevant urban stormwater management and watershed restoration issues, common mitigating practices, and regulations relevant in the Chesapeake Bay…
Author: University of Maryland Extension and Maryland Sea Grant
Date published: 2020
Bioretention Illustrated: A Visual Guide for Constructing, Maintaining, and Verifying the Bioretention Practice
In recent surveys conducted by CSN, local stormwater managers have expressed major concerns about the long term maintenance of low impact development (LID) practices, and the lack of…
Author: Chesapeake Stormwater Network
Date published: 2013
Chesapeake Assessment Scenario Tool (CAST)
Allows users to develop and compare scenarios using various best management practices within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Author: US EPA Chesapeake Bay Program
Date published: Ongoing
Green Infrastructure Design and Implementation Resources
Provides resources on the design, construction, and maintenance of GI features.
Author: US EPA
Date published: Ongoing
Green Infrastructure Modeling Tools
List of models that can be used to assess the costs and environmental outcomes associated with green infrastructure approaches.
Author: US EPA
Date published: Ongoing
Landscape Performance Series
A collection of existing resources that show landscape performance using sustainable practices, including LID and Green Infrastructure.
Author: Landscape Architecture Foundation
Date published: Ongoing
Maryland Stormwater Design Manual , Volumes I and II
The Maryland Stormwater Design Manual is the official guide for stormwater management principles, methods,…
Author: Maryland Department of the Environment
Date published: 2009
Measuring Effectiveness of Best Management Practices
This 12 page informational report discusses the Chesapeake Bay's degrading health, and the actions that are (can be) taken by The Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust…
Author: Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund
Date published: Undated
National Menu of Best Practices (BMPs) for Stormwater
Menu of programmatic BMPs that Phase II MS4 regulated communities can use to achieve minimum control measures required under NPDES permits. Practices listed in the menu are…
Author: US EPA
Date published: Ongoing
National Stormwater Quality Database (NSQD)
Searchable database of water quality data based on land use, state, EPA "rain zone," and other criteria.…
Author: US EPA, Center for Watershed Protection, et al
Date published: 2015
Overcoming Barriers to Green Infrastructure
Identifies common barriers to green infrastructure that arise throughout the development process, from design…
Author: US EPA
Date published: Ongoing
Pennsylvania Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual
This manual lists various BMPs and design standards, which are acceptable in Pennsylvania to manage stormwater and prevent pollution of waters of the Commonwealth.
Author: Pennsylvania Department of Environment
Date published: 2006
Saving the Rain: Green Stormwater Solutions for Congregations
This guide was created to help congregations work through the process of enhancing their grounds by implementing green stormwater management practices.
Author: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Date published: 2020
Stormwater Management Guidebook
The 2013 SWMG provides technical guidance on complying with the 2013 Rule on Stormwater Management and Soil…
Author: District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environment
Date published: 2013
Stormwater Management: Reducing Water Quantity and Improving Water Quality
This resource discusses the importance of managing stormwater runoff, and the problems encountered with high levels of impervious surfaces.
Author: Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund
Date published: Undated
Sustainable Landscape Maintenance Manual for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Provides a condensed review of the most important landscape maintenance considerations relating to stormwater…
Author: Sustainable Landscape Maintenance Manual for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Date published: 2017
The Staying Green: Strategies to Improve Operations and Maintenance of Green Infrastructure in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
This report highlights information related to the costs of green infrastructure maintenance, identifies the significant barriers to effective operations and maintenance of these systems,…
Author: American Rivers and Green for All
Date published: 2016
Urban Forest Systems and Green Stormwater Infrastructure
This resource manual provides a synthesis of the science around how urban trees help mitigate problems associated with stormwater runoff.
Author: United States Forest Service
Date published: 2020
Urban Stormwater Verification Guidance
Provides guidance on verifying the performance of urban BMPs in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Author: Chesapeake Stormwater Network
Date published: 2014
Watershed Stewards Academy Rainscaping Manual
Provides design, installation, and maintenance guidance for conservation landscapes, rain gardens, permeable…
Author: Watershed Stewards Academy and the Center for Watershed Protection, Inc.
Date published: Ongoing
A Guide for Forestry Practices in the Chesapeake TMDL
This guide covers the value and benefits of the following forest BMPs to aid in the planning and implementation: Agricultural Riparian Forest Buffers, Agricultural Tree Planting, Urban Forest…
Author: Forestry Workgroup, Chesapeake Bay Program Office
Date published: 2018
Accounting for Trees in Stormwater Models
This report intends to help the stormwater engineering community more easily account for trees in runoff and pollutant load calculations and models so that trees will more readily be incorporated…
Author: The Center for Watershed Protection
Date published: 2018
Asset Management for Stormwater
Primer on maintaining stormwater infrastructure with an "asset management" approach, which involves thinking about community assets in a strategic way so that they are sustained over…
Author: Southwest Environmental Finance Center; New England Environmental Finance Center
Date published: 2016
Better Site Design: A Handbook for Changing Development Rules in Your Community
Presents a framework and step-by-step process for adapting local development rules so that they protect water quality, preserve natural areas, and maintain quality of life in…
Author: Center for Watershed Protection
Date published: 1998
CAST How-To Guide
This simple “How-To” document walks you through 10 scoping questions that can be used to determine what information is in the Phase 6 Chesapeake Watershed Model for your community and…
Author: Olivia Devereux and David Wood
Date published: 2018
Chesapeake Stormwater Network's BMP Inspection and Maintenance Resources Website
A key component of sustainable stormwater management is ensuring that practices claimed for pollutant reduction credit actually exist, are working as intended, and are maintained…
Author: Chesapeake Stormwater Network
Date published: Ongoing
Construction Sites Practices and Pollutants
Lists common construction site pollutants and which practices they are associated with.
Author: US EPA
Date published: Undated
Design Principles for Stormwater Management on Compacted, Contaminated Soils in Dense Urban Areas
Details design considerations for managing stormwater on compacted soils and provides sources for additional…
Author: US EPA
Date published: 2008
Erosion and Sedimentation on Construction Sites
Describes the impacts of erosion on construction sites and ways it can be controlled.
Author: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Date published: 2000
Final Report: Performance Enhancing Devices for Stormwater Best Management Practices
Synthesizes research on the capability of performance enhancing devices (PEDs) to increase nutrient removal in low impact development practices such as bioretention and sand filters.…
Author: Hirschman Water & Environment, LLC; Center for Watershed Protection; Chesapeake Stormwater Network
Date published: 2017
Green Stormwater Operations and Maintenance Manual
Provides a summary of routine maintenance activities for rain gardens, vegetated swales, and permeable pavements.
Author: Seattle Public Utilities
Date published: 2009
International Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Database
Summarizes the findings of more than 400 BMP studies. Users of the website can perform custom queries or download technical papers summarizing performance results.
Author: International Stormwater BMP Database Project
Date published: Ongoing
Low-Impact Development Construction Guide
A handbook from Ontario that provides guidance on the proper design and construction of LID practices.
Author: Credit Valley Conservation
Date published: 2012
Monitoring to Demonstrate Environmental Results: Guidance to Develop Local Stormwater Monitoring Studies Using Six Example Study Designs
This manual presents six monitoring study designs that can be used by MS4 communities to assess their local…
Author: Center for Watershed Protection
Date published: 2008
National Pollutant Removal Performance Database for Stormwater Treatment Practices
Summarizes the results of more than 150 pollutant removal studies.
Author: Center for Watershed Protection
Date published: 2000
Performance of Green Infrastructure
Website with links to research on the performance of green infrastructure practices including green roofs, permeable pavements, rainwater harvesting, rain gardens and planter boxes,…
Author: US EPA
Date published: Ongoing
Pond Management
This website provides an overview of stormwater ponds, including their benefits, challenges, and…
Author: University of Maryland Sea Grant
Date published: 2018
Potential Pollutants on Construction Sites
Developed by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, this one-page document lists pollutants that…
Author: Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Date published: Undated
Rain Gardens Across Maryland
This manual aimed at residential homeowners who want to improve water quality, reduce flooding, and increase their property value describes how to locate, size, construct, plant, and…
Author: University of Maryland Extension
Date published: 2008
Rain Gardens Technical Guide: A Landscape Tool to Improve Water Quality
This guide has been compiled as a resource for individuals, groups and organizations interested in creating a landscape feature that will: solve drainage problems, address erosion…
Author: Virginia Department of Forestry
Date published: 2014
Recommendations of the Expert Panel to Define Removal Rates for Individual Stream Restoration Projects
This report reviews expert panel research on the impact of stream restoration projects in reducing the delivery of sediments and nutrients to the Chesapeake Bay.
Author: Chesapeake Stormwater Network and Center for Watershed Protection
Date published: 2014
Regular Inspection and Maintenance Guidance for Bioretention Systems/Tree Filters
Checklist of inspection and maintenance activities for bioretention systems and tree filters and a checklist…
Author: University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center
Date published: 2011
Regular Inspection and Maintenance Guidance for Porous Pavements
Checklist of inspection and maintenance activities for porous pavements and a checklist for inspection.…
Author: University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center
Date published: 2011
Riparian Forest Buffer Design and Maintenance
Riparian forest buffers (RFBs) are essential components of maintaining long-term stream and watershed health and resilience in the Chesapeake Bay region, RFBs also provide valuable…
Author: MD DNR Forest Service
Date published: 2005
Runoff Reduction Method Technical Memo – Appendix F: BMP Research Summary Table
Presents the results of more than 100 papers in tabular form.
Author: Center for Watershed Protection
Date published: 2008
Sample Self Inspection Form for Stormwater Practices
Adaptable template that can be used when inspecting stormwater practices as required by EPA's Construction General Permit.
Author: US EPA
Date published: 2015
Sample Self Inspection Form for Stormwater Practices: Field Version
Adaptable templates that can be used in the field when inspecting stormwater practices, as required by EPA's Construction…
Author: US EPA
Date published: 2012
Soak Up the Rain: Permeable Pavement
Website with information and examples on using permeable pavement to manage stormwater. Includes local…
Author: US EPA
Date published: Ongoing
Soil Compaction: Detection, Prevention, and Alleviation
Author: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Date published: 2003
Soil Facts: Using Baffles to Improve Sediment Basins
Describes the benefits of using baffles (sediment traps and basins) for erosion and sediment control. …
Author: North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Date published: 2005
Stormwater Best Management Practice: Bioswales
Describes bioswales as a stormwater best management practice and provides guidance on design and maintenance…
Author: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Date published: 2005
Stormwater Best Management Practice: Concrete Washout
Describes best practices for controlling the flow of concrete washout water at construction sites.…
Author: US EPA
Date published: 2012
Stormwater Best Management Practice: Constructed Treatment Wetlands
Describes constructed wetlands as a best management practices for treating stormwater and improving water…
Author: US EPA
Date published: 2004
Stormwater Best Management Practice: Control Stormwater Runoff with Trees
Describes how trees can be used to manage stormwater.
Author: Center for Urban Forest Research, Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service
Date published: 2002
Stormwater Best Management Practice: Sand Filters
Describes sand filters as a stormwater best management practice and provides guidance on design, installation…
Author: US EPA
Date published: 1999
Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Performance Analysis
Documents the development of long-term performance curves for stormwater BMPs in the New England region.
Author: Tetra Tech
Date published: 2010
Stormwater Level of Service Guide
A stormwater program's "level of service" is the degree to which it is meeting regulatory requirements and other program goals.
Author: University of Maryland Environmental Finance Center
Date published: 2016
Stormwater Pollution Benchmarking Tool
This stormwater benchmarking tool can be applied to existing individual industrial, municipal, federal, corporate or institutional facilities less than 50 acres in size within the Bay watershed.…
Author: Chesapeake Stormwater Network
Date published: 2010
Stormwater Pond Design, Construction and Sedimentation
This website provides an overview of stromwater retention pond function, design, sedimentation and…
Author: Clemson Cooperative Extension
Date published: 2018
Stormwater Wet Pond and Wetland Management Guide Book
This Guidebook was developed to assist communities in developing an integrated stormwater management system which includes proper maintenance of existing wet ponds and wetlands, the…
Author: U.S. EPA
Date published: 2009
The Eight Essential Elements in Conservation Landscaping
Covers how stewardship of the land and water in developed landscapes is an effective tool for the Chesapeake's Bay's Restoration.
Author: Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council
Date published: 2013
The Green Book for the Buffer
Design guide to help landowners in Maryland with planting and maintaining shoreline buffers.
Author: Adkins Arboretum and the Critical Area Commission for the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays
Date published: 2012
The Importance of Operation and Maintenance for the Long-Term Success of Green Infrastructure: A Review of Green Infrastructure O&M Practices in ARRA Clean Water State Revolving Fund Projects
Examines the O&M practices of 22 green infrastructure projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Clean Water State Revolving Fund.
Author: US EPA
Date published: 2013
Urban Tree Canopy Expansion
The Department of Defense as part of the DoD Chesapeake Bay Program has developed a fact sheet to help Bay jurisdictions understand recommended BMPs for urban tree canopy expansion.
Author: The Department of Defense as part of the DoD Chesapeake Bay Program
Date published: No date
USDA Web Soil Survey
Operated by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the Web Soil Survey compiles and presents soil data and maps.
Author: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Date published: Ongoing
Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook
Outlines state minimum standards and specifications for erosion and sediment control.
Author: Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Date published: 1992
Wetlands and Wetland Restoration
This report reviews the Wetland Expert Panel's conclusions and recommendations for the incorporation of natural wetlands, wetland best management practices (BMPs) and land uses into the Phase 6…
Author: Chesapeake Bay Program, US EPA
Date published: 2016