Westminster High School Stormwater Management Facility
Project Location: Westminster, MD

Project Location: Westminster, MD
Project location: Baltimore, MD
Problem: In Baltimore’s urban, impervious downtown, high volumes of polluted stormwater had nowhere to go but into Inner Harbor.
Project location: Baltimore, MD
Problem: Baltimore’s Kadampa Meditation Center is located in the urban Chinquapin Park neighborhood. In addition to the Buddhist temple, the Center also houses a café, bookshop, and now, a World Peace Meditation garden. Previously, the Center’s campus had been experiencing drainage issues, with runoff from the facility’s large roof and parking lot unable to adequately drain, due to poor site grading and existing soil conditions.
Project location: Baltimore, MD
Project Location: Columbia, MD
Problem: First Presbyterian Church had frequent problems with standing water in the facility’s basement and throughout the property.
Project location: Berlin, MD
Problem: Berlin had been experiencing significant stormwater problems at a busy intersection in the heart of downtown. The area was prone to erosion and flooding, putting both businesses and residences at risk. In addition, poorly-managed stormwater conveyed pollutants to Trappe Creek, a tributary of Newport Bay.
Project location: Annapolis, MD