Westminster Community Pond


Project Location: Westminster, MD

Problem: This recreational pond could not maintain an acceptable water level during dry periods with the water level dropping very low. This prevented nearby residents from taking part in recreational activities and wildlife appreciation. While renovating the facility, the county took the opportunity to treat millions of gallons of runoff from surrounding suburbs.

Contact Information
Gale Engles | gengles@carrollcountymd.gov | 410-386-2659
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Waverly Farmers Market

Project Location: Baltimore City, MD

Problem: Abandoned lots in Baltimore City were flooding and creating unsightly conditions, public health issues, and decreased property values.

Solution: A call about a flooded abandoned lot by community organizers in the Waverly neighborhood set in motion a series of events that are transforming areas of urban Baltimore into oases of nature, food, community, and placemaking - all while giving stormwater a place to go.

Contact Information
Gwen Kokes | volunteer@civicworks.com | 410-366-8533 x 238
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Logan Park Stream and Floodplain Restoration

Project location: Manheim, PA

Problem:  A highly incised stream caused flooding in Logan Park and adjacent community during significant storm events. This created a hazard to residents as well as a shortage of athletic field space due to frequently flooded soccer fields. In addition, polluted overflow created erosion and pollution to Rife Run, a tributary to Chiques Creek.

Contact Information
Kelly Gutshall, RLA, LandStudies, Inc.
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Raining Classrooms at the Claud E. Kitchens Outdoor School


Project location: Clear Spring, MD

Problem:  Water runoff from storm events collected in pools on the road and driveway in front of the Claud E. Kitchens Outdoor School, causing flooding in the summer and dangerous icy conditions in the winter. A $10,000 under-road culvert was proposed as a solution, but was beyond the school budget. 

Contact Information
Eddie Waldron | Claud E. Kitchens Outdoor School | 301-766-8138
Frank Rodgers | Cacapon Institute | frodgers@cacaponinstitute.org
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St. Andrew’s United Methodist Day School Rain Garden


Project Location: Edgewater, MD

Problem: The school playground at St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church and Day School flooded every time it rained, making the site inaccessible to school children.  Further, runoff flowed to nearby Gingerville Creek, delivering pollutants and debris.

Contact Information
Jesse Iliff | South River Federation | jesse@southriverfederation.net | 410-224-3802
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Christ Our King Presbyterian Church Cistern


Project Location: Bel Air, MD

Problem: This 50-year old church and school was plagued by periodic flooding due to high volumes of runoff from the roof and impermeable parking lot.  A small retention pond on site was failing during big rains, causing neighboring residential areas to flood. 

Contact Information
Adrienne Shevchuk | ashevchuk@cbf.org | 410-268-8816
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West Towson Urban Reforestation


Project location: Towson, MD

Problem:  The residential streets of West Towson have historically been lined with large oak trees, which beautify the community, buttress property values, and assist with stormwater management.  However, many of these trees were being lost each year due to environmental stresses and the trees’ age. 

Contact Information
Wendy Jacobs | Westtowsongreeningcommittee@gmail.com | 443-250-4602
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Beth Shalom Rain Garden Expansion


Project Location: Columbia, MD

Problem:  The congregation of Beth Shalom had a rain garden installed in 2012, but the garden was proving inadequate to manage runoff from the facility’s large roof.  As a result, the grounds were becoming eroded during rain storms.

Contact Information
Lori Lilly | Howard EcoWorks | llilly@howardecoworks.org
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Deering Woods Condominium Association

Project Location: Columbia, MD

Problem: Twenty-five townhomes in the Deering Woods Condominium Association of Howard County, Maryland, lacked a stormwater treatment plan.  Rain events led to flooding and erosion problems. 

Solution: A 200 foot x 15 foot linear rain garden was installed throughout the community to alleviate drainage problems. The bioretention capability of the rain garden now absorbs 100% of the rain water runoff.  

Contact Information
Lori Lilly | Howard EcoWorks | llilly@howardecoworks.org
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Greenleaf HOA Rain Garden

Project Location: Columbia, MD

Problem: Stormwater flows at the Greenleaf housing development were overwhelming existing stormwater infrastructure.  Flooding, erosion, pooled water, slippery sidewalks in winter, and an undermined footbridge all created unsafe conditions for pedestrians.

Contact Information
Lori Lilly | Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay | 503-791-8405
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