Westminster Community Pond


Project Location: Westminster, MD

Problem: This recreational pond could not maintain an acceptable water level during dry periods with the water level dropping very low. This prevented nearby residents from taking part in recreational activities and wildlife appreciation. While renovating the facility, the county took the opportunity to treat millions of gallons of runoff from surrounding suburbs.

Contact Information
Gale Engles | gengles@carrollcountymd.gov | 410-386-2659
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Waverly Farmers Market

Project Location: Baltimore City, MD

Problem: Abandoned lots in Baltimore City were flooding and creating unsightly conditions, public health issues, and decreased property values.

Solution: A call about a flooded abandoned lot by community organizers in the Waverly neighborhood set in motion a series of events that are transforming areas of urban Baltimore into oases of nature, food, community, and placemaking - all while giving stormwater a place to go.

Contact Information
Gwen Kokes | volunteer@civicworks.com | 410-366-8533 x 238
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Blue Ridge Manor - Infiltration Experiment

Project Location: Town of New Windsor, MD

Problem: The detention basin at the Blue Ridge Manor facility in the Town of New Windsor was constructed in the early 1990s during the time when stormwater management focused more on flood control than water quality. Erosion at the outfall, overgrown vegetation, trash, and steep slopes surrounding the basin led to this facility being retrofitted in the fall of 2017.

Contact Information
Gale Engles | gengles@carrollcountymd.gov | 410-386-2659
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The Frederick Food Security Network

Project Location: Frederick, MD

Problem:  Faculty and staff of the Hood College Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies wanted to address several local issues to help the surrounding community.  Local water quality was being impacted by high levels of stormwater runoff, and some residents were facing food insecurity.  With little to no grocery stores, parts of Frederick are classified as food deserts.

Contact Information
Connie Ray | Hood College Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies | ray@hood.edu
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Logan Park Stream and Floodplain Restoration

Project location: Manheim, PA

Problem:  A highly incised stream caused flooding in Logan Park and adjacent community during significant storm events. This created a hazard to residents as well as a shortage of athletic field space due to frequently flooded soccer fields. In addition, polluted overflow created erosion and pollution to Rife Run, a tributary to Chiques Creek.

Contact Information
Kelly Gutshall, RLA, LandStudies, Inc.
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