USDA Web Soil Survey

The USDA Web Soil Survey provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. It contains soil maps and data for over 95 percent of the nation's counties, providing an authoritative source of soil survey information.

Level of Service Document

Your level of service can be thought of as how well you are currently meeting the requirements of your stormwater program. For example, if you are only prioritizing and cleaning your stormwater inlets based on complaints then this would be a “minimal” level of service. A “medium” level of service may be that you are inspecting and cleaning your stormwater outfalls once a year or slightly above the inspection rate outlined in your permit.

National Stormwater Quality Database (NSQD)

The National Stormwater Quality Database (NSQD) is an urban stormwater runoff characterization database developed under the direction of Dr. Robert Pitt, P.E., of the University of Alabama and the Center for Watershed Protection under support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Originally released in 2001, followed by several updates by Dr. Pitt and Dr. Alexander Maestre (also at University of Alabama), it has recently moved to a new long-term home as a companion project to the International Stormwater BMP Database.

EPA: Minimum Control Measures, Successful NPDES Practices--Descriptions and Resource Links

In the world of stormwater management many are familiar with the term "Best Management Practices" or "BMPs" as it is applied to structural or engineered practices used to capture, retain, use, reduce, treat, and delay the movement of rainfall through the watershed. However, the term BMP is also applied to the programmatic approaches jurisdications can take to meet the terms of their MS4 permits. 


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