Koons Toyota Parking Lot Retrofit
Project location: Annapolis, MD

Project location: Annapolis, MD
Project location: Edgewater, MD
Problem: Holly Hill Harbor is a waterfront community on the Mayo Peninsula just south of Annapolis. Monitoring at the neighborhood’s community park revealed that water in Bear Neck Creek and Edgewater Creek contained high bacteria counts following rain events, threatening the health of residents as well as local watermen.
Problem: A 600-foot tributary to Mill Creek had become severely eroded and was starting to undermine the integrity of structures in the surrounding area. The degraded tributary was damaging property values, endangering community assets, and contributing polluted waters to the Magothy River.
Project location: Annapolis, MD
Problem: Three destabilized culverts near the busy intersection at Hilltop Lane and Forest Drive in Annapolis were causing channel erosion and impaired water quality in Spa Creek, which drains to the Severn River. Additionally, the waters around Truxton Park, a public water access point used predominantly by residents in nearby lower-income neighborhoods, had become dangerously polluted.
Project location: Annapolis, MD
Problem: Despite the threat that polluted runoff poses to human health and the environment, many individuals are unaware of the problem and the role they can play in addressing it. The City of Annapolis recognized a need for greater education to empower residents to be part of the stormwater solution.
Project location: Annapolis, MD
Problem: The watershed of Cabin Branch Stream contains the Annapolis Mall and associated commercial areas. Due to a high concentration of impervious surfaces in this area, water quality in the stream has been deteriorating.
Project location: Annapolis, MD
Problem: Parking lots typically contain significant amounts of impervious cover, and they can be a major source of pollutants to nearby streams. The parking lot of Blackwall Hitch, a seafood restaurant in downtown Annapolis, drains directly into Spa Creek, a major tributary of the Severn River. Prior to this project, pollutant-laden rainwater flowed from the parking area and surrounding streets into the Creek.